Posted in Homeschool On A Dime Original Freebies

Free Complex Shape Printable: Pentagonal Prism

Here is the complex shape download from week 12: Pentagonal Prism! Use this and my other complex shape printables as shape introduction and and recognition manipulatives. Count the sides and shapes that make up a pentagonal prism and sound out the label written on it.

shapes pentagonal prism

Pentagonal Prism

Feel free to use this printout and any others found on for your own personal or classroom use. This is not intended to profit any individuals or entities monetarily. If you would like to share the printable, please link to this post, not to the document itself. Enjoy!

Other Complex Shape Printables from Home School On A Dime:


A Christian wife, mom of three, homesteading, homeschooler in Hawaii who loves all things writing, reading and learning.

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