Posted in Homeschool On A Dime Original Freebies

Complex Shape Printable: Pentagonal Pyramid

Shapes pentagonal piramid by homeschoolonadimemom

Here is the shape of the week printable download from week 13:

Pentagonal Pyramid

Use this free  printable to count the sides on complex shapes. I added a label to this one as well. Perhaps you can use it to sound out the name of the shape?

After you’ve printed it out, cut along the outer most lines of the shapes and fold on the black lines.

Feel free to use this for personal or classroom use. I ask that you do not use this to profit any individual or entity monetarily. If you would like to share what you are using from this sight on the web you are more than welcome to. I only ask that you link directly to this page, not the picture itself. Enjoy!

Interested in my other Complex Shape Printables?