Posted in Homeschool On A Dime Original Freebies

Counting The Sides of Complex Shapes: Free Hexagonal Pyramid

Blueberry Ball had already mastered his basic shapes months before the school year began. I decided that this would be a great opportunity to jump him ahead in the shapes category, so I began to add the more difficult ones like trapezoid and hexagon. Then I realized that I could also do three dimensional shapes. I love the printables that you can find for free online.

There are several cut and glue options for doing your own shapes of the week, but I thought it would be a good idea to introduce the shapes with their geometric definitions. For instance, in reference to the hexagonal pyramid, I may ask, “How many triangles can we count on the hexagonal pyramid?” or, “How many sides does the hexagon have?”

This led me to a great idea! Why not make a printable that counts out the properties of a shape?

And this was the result:

shapes hexagonal pyramid counting sides color

Hexagonal Pyramid Color

My first printable! The numbers are a little crooked, but it doesn’t bother us.  =)

Feel free to use this in your personal or classroom settings. This is not to be used to profit any individual or entity monetarily. Any public sharing of this printable should have a direct link to this URL, not just the picture. Enjoy!

Need more complex shape printables?