Posted in Children

I’m Back!- Updates

At some point while living on a boat I decided to give up blogging to allow for more time for my family. The boat (while it was enjoyable in many ways) presented a number of challenges with homemaking and homeschooling that just took more time in general. When I was evaluating my schedule one day, I decided that one thing I could cut out of the timetable would definitely be the blog.

I’ve missed it a great deal, but now I’m back! We’ve moved back to the states and into a house that can allow me to have more free time overall. Let me give you an update on all of the happenings in our humble household.

Blueberry Ball is now six and a half years old and in first grade.  He was ahead by taking kindergarten early, but with changes happening in our family and the timings in everything, it ended up catching up with his age. I’m so proud of him though! He’s doing very well in school and actually finished over a semester’s worth of work in about two months before taking summer break this year. At the rate that he’s blowing through his materials in first grade, he should end up finishing the whole grade level in a half a year. It was amazing to watch him transition from being able to just read one and two vowel words to taking over diphthongs, sight words, compound words, contractions and more. His reading level just exploded! As soon as I gave him harder material he rose to the occasion and simply soared.


Raspberry Bug has recently turned four and is currently in the middle of Kindergarten. She was reading three letter words and counting to twenty before her last birthday! We are so blessed. She has always floored me when it comes to pure intelligence and comprehension. For her, it’s exciting enough to be doing the same things she’s seen her brother doing in school. And get this: she actually craves worksheets! I can actually give my second child “busy work” when I need extra time with Blue without feeling guilty about it.

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I can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned for us in the upcoming months and years. I’m so glad to start blogging again as well. Coming up soon: Details on Red’s birthday party, updates on curriculum choices and schedules, summer fun, and more.

Stay tuned for more entries on DIYs, homemaking, organizing, Bible time, and of course, homeschooling, all on a dime!