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Grammar Lessons: A Classical Perspective| Plus Free Downloads

Grammar is one of those topics we have historically picked up and dropped multiple times. They’re all either too much repetition or too little definition. I can understand this to some degree. These lessons are mainly just a set of rules we use when writing and speaking, and most of it is intuitive for students with good communication skills.

It Doesnt Take 12 Years to Learn Grammar

This author uses a great analogy of a chess game.

We can generally pick up the rules of how to play the game by watching others play and taking note of the specific rules. But the actual strategies and fine-tuned nuances are only learned by the actual gameplay.

Charlotte Mason’s Method of Grammar

Similarly, a student in the 1-3 grade range should not be expected to grasp and utilize all of the grammar rules at a young age. It is sufficient to teach the basics of sentence structure at first. Simply teach the subject, and what is being said about it.

Traditional grammar books can be introduced around grades 4-6. Start with simple word sentences to teach the concept of verbs, moving up from there.

Dissecting What is Read

The backbone of Charlotte Mason philosophy is what she calls “living books”. By starting to dissect quality pieces of literature from a young age, the student becomes well acquainted with the rules and usages of words without necessarily having to know what label it is given. Through reading, narration, and later through writing, the student begins to grasp how and why words are used and in which ways.

It allows for a real-world application of the study, rather than a rote to-do list in the form of workbooks.

Mason suggests by age twelve your student should be fairly sufficient in all the grammar rules.

Though I wouldn’t say I followed her method to the tee, I almost intuitively taught this way, and I’m so glad. We avoided a lot of boring busy work while still enriching their education with the multiple dynamics of grammar and word usage.

Grammar Courses

I’m very confident in both my older student’s abilities in the subject of grammar. They can now confidently complete those grammar lessons that used to be so daunting.

Which is why this year I’ve decided to have a focus week on each grammar topic. If your student is not at the same level, it can still help them to grasp a concept. I made each lesson plan in a way that is completely customizable to your classroom needs.

What’s in the Packets?

The actual lesson portions at the beginning are designed to be comprehensive. I tried to not only include the basics, but also the nuances, exceptions, and special circumstances. But I’ve also added a number of other options for your classroom. The idea behind this was to create something to reference so I have everything needed in front of me. So pick what you need or want, and leave the rest. This should prepare you for whatever is thrown your way on each given topic.

In each free printable pack I’ve included:

  • A comprehensive article on rules, usages, and examples
  • Apply Your Knowledge and Extra Practice questions
  • Answers
  • Writing prompts to choose from
  • Activity Ideas
  • Video links (free videos covering the topic online)

Your Free Grammar Printables






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