Posted in Homeschool On A Dime Original Freebies

The Art of Conversation | Free Robert’s Rules of Order Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet equips students with a basic outline for engaging in respectful and productive conversations. It’s a valuable resource to help them express their thoughts clearly and confidently in a variety of different settings.

At the bottom of the document, I’ve also placed the link to download Robert’s Rules of Order 12th Edition.

You can find various versions and prints of Robert’s Rules of Order here:

Practicing Conversational Skills

Communication works for those who work at it. “
John Powell

To further enhance their communication skills, here are three ways homeschoolers can practice these conversational techniques:

  1. Debates and Discussions: Engage in thoughtful debates and discussions with family members, friends, or fellow homeschoolers. Choose topics of interest and encourage everyone to express their opinions while respecting differing viewpoints. This practice will sharpen critical thinking skills and foster respectful communication.
  2. Group Projects: Collaborate on group projects and encourage open communication among team members. Practice active listening, constructive feedback, and effective collaboration. This will not only strengthen communication skills but also foster teamwork and problem-solving abilities.
  3. Role-Playing Activities: Organize role-playing activities where students can take on different perspectives and practice engaging in conversations from various points of view. Consider scenarios such as project planning committees, political activism, and business management. This exercise will boost empathy, understanding, and the ability to communicate effectively with diverse individuals.

From classroom to county meeting, these skills are essential to building students’ confidence and effectiveness in adult life.

Download the free PDF here:


A Christian wife, mom of three, homesteading, homeschooler in Hawaii who loves all things writing, reading and learning.

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